Tuesday, September 16, 2008


There are many adjectives that describe me. I pick one that I think describes me the best, which is hardworking.  I am hardworking when it comes to school I work on getting home work done and studying for tests also I try to do the best I can. I am also hardworking when I am working for my dad in a juice factory, I try and help out as much as I can. Even when I am at my house I am hardworking by helping my parents with stuff around the house. Last thing I work hard at is skiing, I practice and try to get better. Those are just a few examples that I work hard at.



Molly said...

Hi Charlie, my name is Molly. I am an English Education grad student at the UMN. I'll be reading/commenting on your blog for the semester!

I love the collection of posts, reviews, and pictures you've already put up on your blog. If you are interested in checking out my blog, its www.dulynotedjournal.blogspot.com.

Tweak sounds like a good book. I'll have to check it out. Drug literature is an interesting genre. I actually took a college class that focused on drug literature. It definitely was scary to read about all the horrific stuff drugs can do.

Anonymous said...

I though it was cool that you help your dad in the juice factory, i dont get to help my parents with anything so i think your lucky youhelp your parents with stuff.